Pagination can be quite tricky with Handlebars since Handlebars does not have any built in way to do for/while loops. One solution mix some presentation code within your logic layer and passing an array containing all your pages in an array.

For example:

  pagination: [ 
    { previous: disabled }, 
    { page: 1, active: true }, 
    { page: 2 }, 
    { page: 3 },
    { page: 4 },
    { page: 5 }

This solution has several drawbacks: mixing of logic/view code, code duplication, difficult to reuse, etc.

The other, cleaner solution, is to write a Handlebars helper, which I have already done so you don’t have to!


The helper is available for download or forking on Github:

or through NPM:

npm install handlebars-paginate

To use it, all you have to do is register it as an helper:

Handlebars.registerHelper('paginate', require('handlebars-paginate'));

And all you need to pass to your template is an object containing a page parameter which is the number of the current page and a pageCount parameter which is the total number of pages.

For example:

  pagination: {
    page: 3,
    pageCount: 10

Handlebars-paginate let’s you define three types of blocks in your template:


This will iterate over all the possible pages. An optional limit parameter is available if you’d like to limit how many page links to display. limit=7 will only display 3 links to the left of the active page and 3 pages to its right.

For example:

{{#paginate pagination type="middle" limit="7"}}
  <li {{#if active}}class="active"{{/if}}><a href="?p={{n}}">{{n}}</a></li>

previous and next:

Finally, previous and next are used to define how you want to display the “previous” and “next” buttons.

For example:

{{#paginate pagination type="previous"}}
  <li {{#if disabled}}class="disabled"{{/if}}><a href="?p={{n}}" >Prev</a></li>
{{#paginate pagination type="next"}}
  <li {{#if disabled}}class="disabled"{{/if}}><a href="?p={{n}}">Next</a></li>

Enjoy and feel free to fork or report issues!